Hanukkah Menorah of "Talmudic Era"

Hanukkah Menorah of "Talmudic Era"

Stainless Steel, Sterling Silver

This Menorah was inspired by two lamps I saw in the print version of the Encyclopedia Judaica.  (see photos below)

The first one was from the Talmudic Era, and the second one was from the 13th century and found in Avignon, France.  I got the idea for the inscription on my menorah from that lamp.  This inscription can be seen on many menorahs throughout history. 

The text is laser engraved onto the stainless steel and reads:

"For the commandment is a lamp and the Torah is light"

It is a quote from Proverbs 6:23, and it translates as "For the commandment is a lamp and the Torah is light".

Both menorahs were made from clay.  And both did not have a "shamash", the use of which was not yet a custom, and which is not a strict requirement even today.


Hanukkah Menorah of Talmudic Era

Hanukkah Menorah of Talmudic Era


"Avignon" Menorah

"Avignon" Menorah, 13th Century

Note the inscription.
